Marathon Couples Therapy Brisbane
Brisbane Relationship Counselling
2-day Intensive
For immediate, sustainable results

Brisbane Marathon Couples Therapy -2 Day Intensive Couples Retreat
(& ‘Half Marathon’ Brisbane - 1 Day Intensive Couples Retreat)
What is Marathon Couples Therapy?
Marathon Couples Therapy is a condensed and focused approach with of 2 consecutive days of intensive, structured, evidence-based couples therapy with just you - one couple and one relationship counsellor. Each day of Marathon Couples Therapy has six hours of actual therapy, and an hour’s worth of breaks for meals or refreshments. While this is a significant period of time, this is offset by the environment within which we hold these couples retreats. Our preferred location is Mon Komo Hotel, Redcliffe (just north of Brisbane), a venue that is discreet, relaxed, and allows couples the time and safety to engage well with the process.
Why is Marathon Couples Therapy so effective? - Efficiency benefits
A Marathon process also allows flexibility within the 2 days - we are able to continue a conversation to its end without feeling rushed by the need to finish within 50 mins, or 110 mins, or the demands of returning to work before or after the session. There are also greater efficiencies involved (for instance, with regular weekly therapy, time before and after each session is spent on transport, parking the car, etc., and the first few minutes of each session is spent settling in and catching your counsellor up on any significant happenings between sessions - this is time which adds up and which is saved when engaging in a full day or full two days where we are remaining focused on you, your partner, and the needs of your relationship without these interruptions.
Why else is Marathon Couples Therapy so effective? - Massed practice effects
Further to these efficiencies, a Marathon Couples Therapy process takes advantage of ‘massed practice’ effects. Massed practice simply means intensive practice of a skill in a short period of time. When researched in a couples therapy context, according to Dr Julie Schwartz-Gottman, there is growing evidence that having massed practice through Marathon Couples
Therapy helps couples to do the following:
process attachment injuries faster
build confidence to face issues
resolve conflict more quickly
shift out of pain in a shorter time frame
reduce the overall damage to their relationship faster
build intimacy more quickly
Progress in Marathon Couples Therapy compared to Weekly Couples Therapy
In fact, in terms of the progress we see couples make during a Marathon Couples Therapy process compared to weekly or fortnightly sessions, our estimate is that the efficiencies and overall momentum gained through massed practice make the 12 hours of intensive work involved in a 2 day Marathon are roughly equivalent to 12 to 15 single weekly sessions of 50 minutes. That is, a 2 day intensive couples retreat can produce similar progress to that seen in 12 to 15 weeks of ‘normal’, 50 minutes a week therapy.
Why is Marathon Couples Therapy so expensive by comparison? (Actually, it works out not that different overall)
At the time of writing, a 50 minute session of weekly couples therapy is $210, and a 2 day intensive of Marathon Couples Therapy is $4,800. The difference in cost is due to several factors, one of which is exclusive access to your therapist for an extended period of time; where your therapist’s entire focus is the two of you and your relationship. As noted by Dr Julie Swartz-Gottman, one of the founders of Gottman Method, couples are able to process injuries faster, resolve conflict more quickly, and make overall progress faster with this amount of investment in the relationship. Our own observations are that couples are able to move out of pain much more quickly, and to get closer to enjoying one another again more rapidly - which is, after all, what most couples are seeking in therapy.
One of the factors involved in determining the cost of Marathon Couples Therapy is the dedicated preparation time on the part of your relationship counsellor. In ‘normal’ weekly therapy, your counsellor is able to engage in reflection and planning for your situation in the time between sessions. For Marathon Couples Therapy, much more treatment preparation needs to take place in advance as your relationship counsellor maps out a 2 day intensive tailored to your specific needs. This is the major contributing factor - the unseen additional work that your therapist undertakes. Secondary factors include preparation of materials and travel time to and from the Marathon venue.
Marathon Couples Therapy is not for everyone
If you are interested in Marathon Couples Therapy, please read further below. Couples interested in the process do need to undertake the Assessment Phase first in order to determine if this is the best fit for your needs.
A Marathon is especially beneficial for couples who don’t live near a trained Gottman Couple’s Therapist, those with overwhelming work schedules or those who need immediate help.
“Marathon sessions get so much momentum, couples are so focussed on their relationship that they really move through interventions and process attachment injuries much quicker"
- Dr Julie Gottman
Are you a busy couple / seeking immediate results?
Marathon Couples Therapy is a condensed and focused approach consisting of 2 consecutive days of intensive, structured, evidence-based couples therapy with just you - one couple and one therapist. A Marathon is especially beneficial for couples who don’t live near a trained Gottman Couple’s Therapist, those who have hectic work schedules or couples who require immediate help.
Use our assessment phase to determine your eligibility
Some therapists may ‘jump straight in’ to therapy, but we utilise a brief, comprehensive assessment process to ensure that this is the right intervention for you. Before your Marathon Couples Therapy starts, each person in the couple completes an individual online assessment and has an individual session (by zoom, phone or in person). These assessments allow your therapist to rapidly develop an understanding of your relationship – an understanding that may otherwise take three to five hours of ‘normal’ therapy or conversation. An analysis of these assessments allows your qualified couples therapist to pinpoint specific needs relevant to your relationship, and to design your Marathon accordingly.
We only use what works - tailored to your needs
Each activity or ‘intervention’ selected for your Marathon is based within the Gottman Method Couples Therapy framework – and is the result of rigorous testing and research. You can be confident that your individualised Marathon will pave the way for you to move forward as rapidly and effectively as possible.
Skills you come away with
During your Marathon, you work together with your therapist to learn new skills to:
• Transform relationship conflicts so you can build solid bridges between the two of you
• Deepen your understanding of one another
• Repair old hurts and resentments
• Unearth the values and life purpose you share
• Strengthen your friendship
• Ways to spice up your intimacy
The Marathon Couples Therapy approach has been demonstrated to have significant benefits for couples. It often leads to a significant reduction of feelings of distress, resolution of specific problems, and a stronger relationship. In many cases, it has moved couples from thinking of ending their relationship to recommitting to it in new ways. Occasionally in our experience, it has assisted couples who were not a good fit to decide to amicably part with as little damage as possible.
In every case, couples who have engaged in Marathon Couples Therapy in the past have given positive feedback of the experience. They have frequently shared that they were able to process a range of unresolved issues, ‘leave the baggage behind’ and go home with a renewed sense of commitment, closeness and hope for building a closer, more satisfying and intimate relationship together.
Your Couples Therapist
Currently all our Marathons Couples Therapy intensives are facilitated by Nahum Kozak, who has received Clinical Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy (Level 3), and who regularly provides marathons as a core part of his practice over the past four years. (Along with his partner - and the Director of Lighthouse Relationships - Megan Kozak, he been called upon to work with couples from across Australia, as well as those seeking relationship counselling from other countries including New Zealand, Canada and the United States. You can read more about Nahum here if you wish).
As a committed couple, Megan and Nahum practice what they teach, having used Gottman Method interventions to enrich their own relationship over the last 18 years.
Your Marathon Couples Therapy will take place in an Ocean View room at Oaks Mon Komo Hotel Redcliffe (subject to availability). Environment can have a positive impact on therapy, and we selected Mon Komo because it affords privacy, comfort, peaceful surrounds, and discretion. However, we are more than happy to meet at an alternative venue of your choice that is equally conducive to the therapeutic process.
Oaks Mon Komo Hotel Redcliffe is one of our preferred Marathon Couples Therapy locations - peaceful, private, comfortable and discreet.
Inclusions and Fees for Marathon Couples Therapy
· An experienced couples therapist who has extensive training in the Gottman method of couples counselling
· 6 hours of focussed couples counselling per day
· An evidence-based process tailored to your relationship’s needs
· Morning and afternoon tea provided (for lunch - not included - you can select from a range of cafes along the beachfront)
· A personalised booklet containing the strategies relevant to your relationship to ensure you can continue to implement these strategies once therapy has finished (e.g. strategies to manage conflict, solve ongoing issues, how to communicate your needs, improve connection and continue to build intimacy)
· Cost for the Marathon Couples Therapy process starts at AUD $4,800. This does not include accommodation. Once you have settled on dates with your therapist, a deposit of $750 is required to confirm those dates. (Deposit is refundable up to 2 weeks prior to date minus costs incurred. Note that the deposit will count towards the total cost of $4,800.00; a separate invoice will be sent for the remainder of $4,050.00).
Note: If your marathon date needs to be changed due to a change in availability for yourselves or your therapist (eg due to sickness), please note neither Lighthouse Relationships nor your therapist are responsible for costs incurred for changes to flights/ accommodation, etc. (If this is a concern we can commend taking out travel insurance).